Friday, April 22, 2011

the teabox I never redesigned...

Please forgive the size.  I wasn't able to find an exact duplicate of my teabox that was bigger than this one.  I never got redesign this, because one) I am slow with photoshop and two) I could not come up with any original ideas.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

like a mesh

A black hole...I guess.  It appears to have mesh-like make-up.  In Illustrator, mesh is used to outline spherical, or funnel-like figures like this one.  Aside from that, it's just really cool!

posters and morals

We've probably all seen one of these, maybe at a Hallmark card store or something.  It's a mock-up of a popular poster franchise, and posters obviously make use of graphic design.  This one is obviously not going to be found at a place like that, or anywhere (except, maybe, Spencer's gift shop lol).  It is simply a spoof of the franchise, and it uses a highly recognizable character, at least for my generation.  So funny and so true is the message.  Hope a big monster attacks soon so he won't go to bed hungry! lol 

some simple yet effective art

This bumper sticker may look sweet and simple, but the message is positive and powerful.  A plain, yellow smiley face can make anyone's day.  And against a black background?  Who could resist that?  Not me!  (Have I mentioned that before?)